Online Teaching and Learning of Transferable Skills Through Task Group Practice Online Teaching and Learning of Transferable Skills Through Task Group Practice
Students joined online task groups to complete one assignment in a social work diversity class that aims at developing critical-thinking and group work as transferable skills. The researcher used a phenomenological perspective to analyze phenomena that occurred during the group development process. Fifty-six undergraduate students provided data on their groups regarding task-completion, interactions, and decision-making processes, as well as other factors that influenced the outcome of the group process. The analysis revealed that students learned and put into practice critical thinking and group work skills used as they dealt with group phenomena such as group composition, setting up a contract and effective communication channels, and conflict management. The significance of this teaching case resides in its potential to enhance the effectiveness of online teaching through task groups. Social work instructors, field liaisons, and supervisors who use this teaching method may deliver effective and efficient signature pedagogy to a high number of supervisees. Limitations reside in the qualitative nature of the collected data, as well as in the small sample size, which precludes the generalizability of the findings. Future work with quantitative methodologies willReferences
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