Tools for enhancing resilience and addressing internalized heterosexism: bibliotherapy and cinematherapy in groupwork for individuals who come out as an adult




This article shares the clinical application of bibliotherapy and cinematherapy as groupwork tools to build social support and to foster resilience among group members of LGBTQIA+ support groups for individuals coming out later in life.  Coming out groups for LGBTQIA+ individuals, as well as specific tools and exercises to use within these groups remain under-researched.  The importance of fostering resilience through groupwork for those leaving a heterocentric lifestyle is discussed, and suggested books, movies and discussion questions for groupwork are provided.  Contra-indications for these exercises are also discussed

Author Biographies

Beth Counselman Carpenter, Southern Connecticut State University

Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work

School of Health and Human Services

Alex Redcay, Millersville University

Assistant Professor, School of Social Work

Amy Freeman, Millersville University

DSW student, ABD


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How to Cite

Carpenter, B. C., Redcay, A., & Freeman, A. (2019). Tools for enhancing resilience and addressing internalized heterosexism: bibliotherapy and cinematherapy in groupwork for individuals who come out as an adult. Groupwork, 27(3), 47-68.


