Review of Deconstructing Group Work for Human Service Professionals: A Skill-Building Handbook


  • Joyce Webster



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Drumm, K., 2006. The essential power of group work. Social Work with Groups, 29(2-3), pp.17-31.

Goodman, H. & Munoz, M., 2004. Developing Social Group Work Skills for Contemporary Agency Practice, Social Work with Groups, 27(1), pp. 17-33.

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Simon, S.R., Webster, J.A. and Horn, K., 2007. A critical call for connecting students and professional associations. Social Work with Groups, 30(4), pp.5-19.



How to Cite

Webster, J. (2024). Review of Deconstructing Group Work for Human Service Professionals: A Skill-Building Handbook. Groupwork, 30(3), 59-61.