

  • Mary Wilson
  • Deirdre Quirke
  • Yvonne McCarthy
  • Maryrose O’Driscoll
  • Catherine Tierney
  • Richard Burke



<i>groupwork</i>, <i>learning disability</i>, <i>empowerment</i>, <i>partnership</i>, <i>inclusion and life long learning</i>


Abstract: This paper documents the development and use of groupwork as a strategy for inclusion and social skills training in the curriculum of a special school, which is also the site of a fieldwork practice teaching unit for social workers in training. The groupwork model was developed for work with 16-18 year old people with learning disabilities, as one day a week in their school curriculum. The article examines the groupwork model. The issues that arose are explored, as are the implications and applications of such collaborative ways of working.


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How to Cite

Wilson, M., Quirke, D., McCarthy, Y., O’Driscoll, M., Tierney, C., & Burke, R. (2013). funzone. Groupwork, 14(1), 9-29.




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