Groupwork with female adult survivors of childhood abuse


  • Jacqueline Buckingham
  • Janet Parsons



<i>survivors</i>, <i>childhood</i>, <i>abuse</i>, <i>women</i>, <i>improvement</i>, <i>semi-quantitative</i>


A programme of time-limited therapeutic groupwork with female adult survivors of childhood abuse within the United Kingdom is described and a statistical evaluation of its outcomes reported. The programme involved two separate groups, with a total of eight group members completing the test materials on the first and final group sessions and subsequently at a two-month post-treatment follow-up. Although a relatively small sample, the test results show a significant reduction in clinical symptoms and demonstrate the utility of this approach.


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How to Cite

Buckingham, J., & Parsons, J. (2012). Groupwork with female adult survivors of childhood abuse. Groupwork, 15(1), 7-23.


