I remember that …’ Reminiscence groups with people with dementia


  • Jonathan Parker




<i>reminiscence</i>, <i>groupwork</i>, <i>dementia</i>, <i>practice learning</i>


This paper describes a small scale group project developing and delivering reminiscence work with people with dementia and undertaken by social work students as part of their practice learning experiences. The potential for enhancing the student learning experience and additional benefits for staff and group participants are explored and the limitations of the study critiqued. Findings indicated that students and staff gain mutual benefits from such projects which also have the potential to create possibilities for the enhancement of service delivery. The project stemmed from a desire and objective to ensure the sustainability of reminiscence work as part of an earlier cross-European comparison of the use of volunteers in working with people with dementia. However, sustainability issues require careful planning and thought. The study highlights the need for the participation of all stakeholders, especially those who are marginalised, in developing and undertaking groupwork.


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How to Cite

Parker, J. (2012). I remember that …’ Reminiscence groups with people with dementia. Groupwork, 16(1), 7-28. https://doi.org/10.1921/gpwk.v16i1.594




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