Integration of the learning process and the group development process in group supervision
<i>Integration</i>, <i>group supervision</i>, <i>learning process</i>, <i>stages of group of development</i>Abstract
This article focuses on group supervision, inviting readers to take an interest in two ongoing processes: the group process, i.e., the stages of group development, and the integration of the learning process. These processes occur as the group is reflecting on issues brought to it. Supervisees do not realize that they encounter, and are even often affected by, the intertwining of these two processes; however, supervisors should be aware of this in their desire to guide their supervisees skilfully.
In addition to presenting an explanation of these processes, this article highlights conditions of success for group supervision: clarification of the institution’s mandate and the status of the supervisor, elements to be considered when setting up group supervision, the importance of negotiating the contract, and the characteristics of the group at work. Although no existing theory integrates the entirety of the practice of group supervision, we have attempted to demonstrate links between these two processes by drawing on both our own experience and a conceptual framework. We believe that our conception of group supervision is worth validating through future research.
SommaireLe présent article illustre comment les processus d’intégration des apprentissages et les phases d’un développement d’un groupe s’entrecroisent et s’inter-influencent dans un groupe de supervision. Après avoir traité desdits processus, les auteurs décrivent les principaux phénomènes issus de cet amalgame. L’article se termine en décrivant les conditions de réussite d’une supervision de groupe.