Voices talk, hands write


  • Nick Pollard




<i>Groupwork</i>, <i>learning difficulties</i>, <i>creative writing</i>, <i>community publishing</i>, <i>participation, social identity</i>


People with learning difficulties are generally a marginalised section of the community whose care environment often segregates them from other people. One way of broaching this invisibility is by developing a writing and publishing group which can present at community events and may be a means of educating others. However, such groups can be difficult to sustain.

This article, based in part on a keynote address at the 2006 Groupwork Symposium (Pollard, 2006a), explores the origin and continuing development of a community publishing project with people with learning difficulties in Grimsby. Taking account of the difficulties of recording community based action, it reviews the outcomes 3 years after the initial set up project ceased.


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How to Cite

Pollard, N. (2012). Voices talk, hands write. Groupwork, 17(2), 51-73. https://doi.org/10.1921/gpwk.v17i2.615


