Supporting fathers who have a child with a disability


  • Dianne Beatty
  • Andrew King



<i>psychoeducational parenting program</i>, <i>fathers</i>, <i>children with a disability</i>, <i>‘Hey, Dad!’ Program</i>, <i>evaluation</i>, <i>pilot program</i>


Fathers of children with a disability report both in Australia and elsewhere that they feel marginalised from communication about, and the design and implementation of, formal support for their children. They also report having few if any avenues via which they can receive support and share and discuss their concerns about the disability of their children. This article describes a new groupwork program to fill this gap – to engage and support such fathers and to complement existing support services: Hey, Dad! For fathers who have a child with a disability. Findings from an initial evaluation of a pilot of the program involving 83 fathers are also described.


Beatty, D. (2007). <i>Final Evaluation Report for Hey, Dad! For fathers who have a child with a disability</i>. Armidale, NSW: Alt Beatty Consulting\nHarrison, J., Henderson, M., and Leonard, R. (2007). <i>Different Dad: Fathers’ stories of parenting disabled children</i>. London : Jessica Kingsley\nJohnson, J. and Kerr, P. (2002). <i>Hey, Dad! A parenting education program for men</i>. (Updated 4<sup>th</sup> edition). Sydney: Diocese of Broken Bay, Centacare Catholic Family Services (Centacare Broken Bay)\nKing, A. and Coleman, A. (2007). <i>Hey, Dad! For fathers who have a child with a disability. A parenting program for men</i>. Sydney: UnitingCare Burnside, Centacare Broken Bay\nKing, A., Slocombe, L., Fletcher, R., Clugston, H., McKenzie, P., Chudleigh, A., and Kerr, P. (2002). <i>Hey, Dad! For separated fathers. A parenting education program for men</i>. Sydney: UnitingCare Burnside, Centacare Broken Bay\nSharp, N., Hooke, K., Coles, D., and Mavromatis, P. (2006). <i>Hey Dad! For fathers of children with special needs. The scope of existing research and programs</i>. Sydney: The Spastic Centre and Cerebral Palsy Institute\n




How to Cite

Beatty, D., & King, A. (2012). Supporting fathers who have a child with a disability. Groupwork, 18(3), 69-87.


