Participants’ perceptions of groupwork in the management of cancer symptoms in older people


  • Caroline Belchamber



<i>Rehabilitation</i>, <i>cancer</i>, <i>oncology</i>, <i>palliative care</i>, <i>groupwork</i>, <i>specialist palliative day care unit</i>, <i>symptom management</i>, <i>physiotherapy</i>


This paper explores groupwork within rehabilitative palliative care on three distressing cancer symptoms: pain, dyspnoea and fatigue. This was achieved through qualitative methodology using a phenomenological orientated psychological approach in a cohort with a median age of 66 years. Groupwork, which included: social, exercise and divertional therapy groups were seen as important components within rehabilitative palliative care. Through semi-structured interviews the participants’ perceptions of their symptoms, beliefs and attitudes towards their groupwork within rehabilitative palliative care were explored. The relevance and benefits of the groupwork were then identified using quality of life markers established during data analysis. The main factors uncovered and shown to contribute to the groupwork were: environmental factors, mobilisation and normalisation. However more research is required to comprehend how different forms of groupwork can help reduce pain, dyspnoea and fatigue in older people with cancer.


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How to Cite

Belchamber, C. (2012). Participants’ perceptions of groupwork in the management of cancer symptoms in older people. Groupwork, 19(2), 79-100.


