The group as a place of training and universality of the experience of voice hearers


  • Bernadette Ngo Nkouth
  • Myreille St-Onge
  • Sébastien Lepage



<i>groupwork</i>, <i>therapeutic factors</i>, <i>voice hearers</i>, <i>destigmatisation</i>, <i>universality</i>, <i>training</i>


This article presents the results of an evaluative study of two groups as carried out in a psychosocial clubhouse, Le Pavois in Quebec City, with voice hearers. Based on a qualitative analysis of interviews conducted with 12 members who participated in one of the two training and support groups, this article emphasises the benefits perceived by the respondents following their participation in these innovative groups. While these groups are not actual therapy groups, the analysis sets forth six therapeutic factors fostered in the group method: training, universality, belonging, self-disclosure, instillation of hope, and destigmatisation. This study highlights the importance for voice hearers of meeting others with similar experiences so that they can share their experiences, acquire knowledge on the phenomenon and develop strategies to better deal with the voices.


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How to Cite

Nkouth, B. N., St-Onge, M., & Lepage, S. (2012). The group as a place of training and universality of the experience of voice hearers. Groupwork, 20(2), 45-64.


