Applying positive psychology to alcohol-misusing adolescents


  • Miriam Akhtar
  • Ilona Boniwell



<i>positive psychology</i>, <i>well-being</i>, <i>adolescents</i>, <i>alcohol-misuse</i>, <i>happiness</i>, <i>strengths</i>, <i>optimism</i>, <i>gratitude</i>


Adolescent alcohol misuse is associated with many adverse consequences for well-being (Viner & Taylor, 2007). Positive psychology has pledged to improve adolescent well-being, so what can the field contribute to the treatment of alcoholmisusing young people? This mixed methods study evaluates a pilot group application of positive psychology to alcohol-misusing adolescents, examining its effects on adolescent well-being and alcohol habits. The intervention consisted of eight workshops based on positive psychology models including happiness, strengths, optimism and gratitude. The participants were adolescents attending an alcohol and drug treatment service for young people. The experimental group (n = 10) participated in weekly workshops while a control group (n = 10) received no treatment. The results suggested that the group intervention led to an increase in adolescent well-being and decrease in alcohol consumption. In the quantitative study the results indicated significant increases in happiness, optimism and positive emotions and a significant decline in alcohol dependence. In the qualitative study the main themes were a rise in happiness and other positive emotions; the development of a future goal orientation; a decline in alcohol and drug use and an escalation of change amounting to transformation. The investigation concludes that a positive psychology group intervention can make an effective contribution to the treatment of alcohol-misusing adolescents with a recommendation to take the current pilot forward to a full study.


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How to Cite

Akhtar, M., & Boniwell, I. (2012). Applying positive psychology to alcohol-misusing adolescents. Groupwork, 20(3), 6-31.




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