Groupwork with children from a disadvantaged community


  • Margaret Deasy



<i>confidence building</i>, <i>valued, socialization, strengths</i>, <i>resilience</i>, <i>rolemodels</i>, <i>groupwork</i>


Groupwork has proved to be a key choice in methods of intervention with children and young people in recent years and it is greatly implemented by the social workers in the agency where I have been placed for my work experience. This paper will examine the use of groupwork as a method of intervention for the children from a disadvantaged community, focusing on the a number of theories that are incorporated to assist and inform the social workers in their endeavour to alleviate the many problems faced by the children who attend this agency.

This paper will furthermore acknowledge my role and observations in the group setting and discuss how groupwork participation has provided me with the opportunity to engage with children in a formal and informal structure in the workplace.


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How to Cite

Deasy, M. (2012). Groupwork with children from a disadvantaged community. Groupwork, 21(2), 9-21.


