A sporting chance


  • Sherrod Brown
  • Timothy Garvey
  • Troy Harden




This paper assesses the relevance of social work group methods with athletics and sports programming in urban settings. Exploring the connection between sports teams, sports-related interventions, and groupwork, the authors offer a conceptualization for approaching group interventions utilizing sports, as well as sports teams incorporating social work group principles. Social workers are well-suited to support these types of endeavors, as social work as a profession seeks to work with underserved populations, provide an ethical barometer to professional approaches to well-being, and have multiple methods of addressing social and emotional concerns.


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How to Cite

Brown, S., Garvey, T., & Harden, T. (2012). A sporting chance. Groupwork, 21(3), 62-77. https://doi.org/10.1921/gpwk.v21i3.729


