One method, two worlds


  • Annie Pullen Sansfaçon
  • Valérie Roy
  • Dave Ward



<i>group work</i>, <i>group</i>, <i>international</i>, <i>practices</i>, <i>USA</i>, <i>Quebec</i>, <i>comparison</i>, <i>constraints</i>, <i>groupwork</i>


Looking at practices in different locations is beneficial since it helps challenge assumptions that we may take for granted. Groupwork, as a method of social work, is specifically interesting to explore in the light of different contexts since, like social work, it may or may not translate well across cultures. This paper draws from data collected in the context of a research project that aimed to describe the current state of social work with groups in Quebec and to explore trends within social work with groups elsewhere in the world. Specifically, it focuses on the exploration of practices in Quebec and discusses them in relationship to those found in the USA, as a counterpoint. Our findings highlight some differences and similarities between Quebec and the USA with regard to groupwork, which leads us to discuss a range of factors that may impact on groupwork in the different contexts. Of these, the differences of organisational context and organisation of services have emerged as particularly noteworthy, which echoes findings in general social work literature with regard to the importance of local contexts on the definition of practice itself.


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How to Cite

Sansfaçon, A. P., Roy, V., & Ward, D. (2014). One method, two worlds. Groupwork, 24(2), 6-25.


