Social media based strategies to reach Hispanic young adults with tailored sexual health information


  • Sofia B Fernandez Community-Based Research Institute, Florida International University
  • Eric F Wagner Community-Based Research Institute, Florida International University
  • Michelle Hospital Community-Based Research Institute, Florida International University
  • Melissa Howard Community-Based Research Institute, Florida International University
  • Staci Leon Morris Community-Based Research Institute, Florida International University



Abstract: Hispanics constitute the largest ethnic minority group in the United States. As the country’s fastest growing demographic, social welfare and public health professionals need to focus on ameliorating HIV-related health disparities affecting Hispanics. This study evaluated an innovative HIV prevention effort with Hispanic young adults in South Florida that utilized a social media based platform to increase access to critical HIV prevention information and services. This study (1) evaluated the effectiveness of exposure to the online campaign using an experimental design and (2) provided a systematic review of the campaign’s content and user interactivity. Hispanic young adults (ages 18-24) completed baseline and follow-up assessments focused on risk perceptions and incorporation of HIV preventive behaviors. Mixed ANOVA and logistic regression analysis revealed no significant differences between groups (exposure versus no exposure to the online campaign); however, there was a statistically significant increase in awareness of HIV prevention services across both study conditions (p< .001). Findings reflect the challenges of and opportunities for conducting HIV prevention work online and suggest areas of future research for enhancing online engagement among hard to reach populations.

Author Biographies

Sofia B Fernandez, Community-Based Research Institute, Florida International University

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Eric F Wagner, Community-Based Research Institute, Florida International University


Michelle Hospital, Community-Based Research Institute, Florida International University

Associate Director for Research & Development

Melissa Howard, Community-Based Research Institute, Florida International University

Clinical Assistant Professor,

Staci Leon Morris, Community-Based Research Institute, Florida International University

Associate Director for Clinical Services & Training


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How to Cite

Fernandez, S. B., Wagner, E. F., Hospital, M., Howard, M., & Morris, S. L. (2019). Social media based strategies to reach Hispanic young adults with tailored sexual health information. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 21(1), 73-93.



Received 2019-06-30
Accepted 2019-06-30
Published 2019-07-01