Self-esteem workshops for mental health professionals


  • Jerome Carson
  • Patrick Hopkinson



<i>quantitative and qualitative methods</i>, <i>randomised controlled design</i>, <i>outcome measures</i>, <i>staff stress</i>, <i>self-esteem</i>, <i>stress process</i>


This paper takes the form of an open letter between the groupwork researcher (the first author) and a commissioning manager (the second author). The first author conducted a randomised controlled trial of a series of self-esteem workshops for staff, using quantitative methods and detailed statistical analysis. While the outcomes of this research seem clear, the individual participants and the group processes are lost in this analysis. In his reply, the second author points out some of the problems with the quantitative approach to studying groupwork and makes a plea for the inclusion of more qualitative methods. He also outlines practical suggestions for teasing out process issues in groupwork.


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How to Cite

Carson, J., & Hopkinson, P. (2012). Self-esteem workshops for mental health professionals. Groupwork, 15(3), 58-72.


