Is Family Group Conferencing a Culturally Adequate Method outside the Origin of New Zealand? A Systematic Review


  • Reidunn Håøy Nygård UiT - The Arctic Univerity of Norway RKBU North (Regional Centre for Child and Youth Mental Health and Child Welfare)
  • Merete Saus UiT - The arctic University of Norway RKBU North (Regional Centre for Child and Youth Mental Health and Child Welfare)



It is generally assumed that Family Group Conference (FGC) is a culturally adequate method for social work in indigenous communities.  In this meta-synthesis, we question this assumption.  Through systematic and strategic searches, we explored the existing trends of FGC research in indigenous contexts.  We have included 26 articles are included in the literature review.  Our analyses reveal that there is a tendency towards taking the cultural adequacy of FGC for granted.  A few researchers question these assumptions, and debate tokenism and colonialism in social work.  We argue that implementing FGC in new communities requires foundation in local, cultural context. 


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How to Cite

Nygård, R. H., & Saus, M. (2019). Is Family Group Conferencing a Culturally Adequate Method outside the Origin of New Zealand? A Systematic Review. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 20(1), 78-108.



Received 2018-07-12
Accepted 2019-04-05
Published 2019-04-06