Transitioning out of the asylum system in Ireland: Challenges and opportunities
Abstract: Asylum seekers are often considered by researchers to be ‘hidden’ or ‘hard to reach’. Yet, issues that impact on them are relevant to social work and its social justice remit. This paper presents research conducted with former asylum seekers to explore their experience of transitioning from ‘Direct Provision’ accommodation into the wider community following the granting of international protection. Ireland’s strategy for integration effectively excludes asylum seekers. They have limited access to work or education and are deprived of supports provided to programme refugees. Using a community-based participatory research methodology, the study illuminates challenges encountered transitioning out of the asylum system and charts the benefits of utilising a collaborative approach to access participants, to facilitate their engagement and to ensure that the research had an impact. It suggests that a partnership approach to research with hidden populations can raise awareness and influence positive social change.References
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