More of a hurdle race than a sprint! Social care research in the field of disabilities: Methodological considerations and challenges


  • Áine de Róiste Cork Institute of Technology
  • Aiofe Killeen Dept of Applied Social Studies, Cork Institute of Technology
  • Moira Jenkins



A concise review is presented of some of the common ethical and methodological considerations encountered by researchers in the field of disability. The discussion draws on theory and practice to explore the ‘hurdles’ faced by researchers and how these can be addressed within a broader goal of inclusive research.

Author Biography

Moira Jenkins

Dept of Applied Social Studies, Cork Institute of Technology


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How to Cite

de Róiste, Áine, Killeen, A., & Jenkins, M. (2020). More of a hurdle race than a sprint! Social care research in the field of disabilities: Methodological considerations and challenges. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 21(1), 110-127.



Received 2020-03-22
Accepted 2020-03-22
Published 2020-03-22