Family Support as a right of the child


  • Patrick Dolan University of Ireland, Galway
  • Nevenca Zegarac Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade, Serbia
  • Jelena Arsic School of Law , Union University Belgrade



This paper considers Family Support as a fundamental right of the child. It examines the relationship between the well-being of the child as the core concept of contemporary legal and welfare systems and family as a vital institution in society for the protection, development and ensuring the overall well-being of the child. Considering the fact that international legal standards recognise that children’s rights are best met in the family environment, the paper analyses what kind of support is being provided to families by the modern societies in the exercising of children’s rights and with what rhetoric and outcomes. Family Support is also considered as a specific, theoretically grounded and empirically tested practical approach to exercising and protecting the rights of the child. Finally, international legal standards are observed in the context of contemporary theory and practice of Family Support, while the conclusion provides the implications of such an approach.

Author Biographies

Patrick Dolan, University of Ireland, Galway

Professor, UNESCO Chair and Director, UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre


Nevenca Zegarac, Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Professor of Social Work

Jelena Arsic, School of Law , Union University Belgrade

Professor of Law


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How to Cite

Dolan, P., Zegarac, N., & Arsic, J. (2020). Family Support as a right of the child. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 21(2), 8-26.
Received 2020-05-08
Accepted 2020-05-08
Published 2020-05-18