Using technology for studying populations off the social mainstream


  • Roni Berger Adelphi University



Recognition has been growing of the importance and unique challenges of studying the experience and related personal and relationship outcomes in marginalized populations (e.g. nonwhites, non-heterosexual, indigenous people, those impacted by poverty, physical disability and mental illness, victims of domestic violence). Traditional social research yielded limited knowledge about such population groups due to issues of positionality, limited accessibility and stigmatization. Partcipatory and qualitative methods offered some culturally sensitive effective strategies for generating relevant knowledge about ‘hidden’ populations that were excluded from past research. The constant development of technology expands the possibilities for such research by offering innovative ways to address some of the aforementioned challenges in accessing previously hard to reach population groups and collecting rich data especially relative to sensitive topics. These developments raised debates regarding ethical, logistic and methodological issues including the potential impact of social desirability and differential access to technology. Informed by a review of available knowledge about groups in the half shadows and about using technology for social research, this article discusses and uses two case examples to illustrate employing technology-assisted research of populations under the radar. Future research should continue to focus on identifying additional uses of technology to further develop ways of generating knowledge about those who have been ‘in the half shadow’ to inform the development of appropriate services, intervention strategies and policies that can help enhance social justice.

Author Biography

Roni Berger, Adelphi University

Professor, School of Social Work,



How to Cite

Berger, R. (2020). Using technology for studying populations off the social mainstream. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 21(1), 52-72.


