Social support provided to care leavers by residential care facilities in Gauteng Province, South Africa, during their transition to independent living




Care leavers, Child and youth care centre, Independent living, Social support, Transitioning


This study explored the social support of the residential care facility to care leavers during the transition phase to independent living as perceived by the social workers as well as the care leavers. Purposive sampling and semi-structured one-on-one interviews were conducted with 12 care leavers as well as 12 social workers to gain a detailed picture of the participants’ views on the social support provided in preparation for independent living. Content analysis was used to analyse the data. Finding highlights were that ongoing residential social support and motivation are of paramount importance to shape the transitioning of the care leavers toward independent living. Strong ties with other people and networks assist them with access to the resources they need for goal attainment. Care leavers apply both theoretical knowledge and practical skills to their advantage. They appeared to appreciate the significant part played by the group networks. Care leavers mostly preferred to stick with their existing relationships as it provided them with a sense of belonging and strengthened their self-esteem, reiterating the central importance of ongoing residential support. care facility during the transition phase.

Author Biographies

Lizane Wilson, North-West University – Compres, Potchefstroom

Dr Lizane Wilson, senior lecturer and research supervisor COMPRES, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa.

Lydia Mokgoko, North-West University, COMPRES

Ms Lydia Mokgoko is a Masters in Social Work student, COMPRES, North-West University.


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How to Cite

Wilson, L., & Mokgoko, L. (2024). Social support provided to care leavers by residential care facilities in Gauteng Province, South Africa, during their transition to independent living. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 24(2), 62-85.
Received 2022-08-25
Accepted 2023-03-15
Published 2024-03-28