The counter-narrative of an ‘unaccompanied minor’-young offender in Spain

Lessons to be learnt for policies and practice




Unaccompanied minor, Young offender, Practice, Policy, Narrative inquiry


Unaccompanied Foreign Minors (UFM) are often framed as criminals by many people in the general population, rather than as at-risk children. This paper analyses the case of Ibrahim, a Moroccan boy who had both identities (migrant and offender), but whose case ended positively, in order to dismantle prejudices, show underlying inequalities, and learn from good practice. The research was carried out using a biographical research methodology, using the cross-narrative model. The main sources of information and data collection techniques were: a) Interviews with 12 key informants; b) Documentary records (all files related to his case); and c) More than 200 photographs, mostly of his rehabilitation process. The results are divided into two parts. The first one shows the (risk factors) living conditions of the unaccompanied minors in their contexts of origin. And the second one analyses the most relevant aspects of the successful intervention carried out with him. The conclusions are drawn from their analysis: Firstly, an approach is recommended that is focused on humanising ‘UFM’ and ensuring a basic standard of living conditions, which would also reduce migration and anti-social behaviour. Secondly, a social, personalised, ecological and empowering model of intervention must be applied to support individuals transforming their circumstances.

Author Biographies

David Herrera-Pastor, Universidad de Malaga, Associate Professor

David Herrera-Pastor is an Associate Professor in Social Education at Theory and History of Education area (University of Malaga). Research interests include: Education; Childhood at risk; Equity; Biographical inquiry.

Cristina Redondo-Castro, University of Malaga, Lecturer and Researcher

Cristina Redondo-Castro has a PhD in Education. Cristina is a Lecturer and Researcher within the area of Theory and History of Education (University of Malaga, Spain). Research interests include: history of education; gender; policy and inclusion.

Marcos Alfonso Payá-Gómez, University of Malaga, PhD Student

Marcos Alfonso Payá-Gómez is currently a PhD student as well as a Lecturer and Researcher within the department of Didactics and School Organisation (University of Malaga, Spain). Research interests include: Culture of Diversity, School;, Inclusion and Social justice.

Lorena Molina-Cuesta, University of Malaga, Lecturer and Researcher

Lorena Molina-Cuesta has a PhD in Education and is currently a Lecturer and Researcher within the department of Theory and History of Education (University of Malaga, Spain). Research interests include: Social education; Social exclusion-inclusion and Resilience.


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How to Cite

Herrera-Pastor, D., Redondo-Castro, C., Payá-Gómez, M. A., & Molina-Cuesta, L. (2024). The counter-narrative of an ‘unaccompanied minor’-young offender in Spain: Lessons to be learnt for policies and practice. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 24(3).
Received 2022-12-05
Accepted 2024-04-27
Published 2024-12-29