A mind for learning


  • Edgar Marthinsen




<i>evidence-based practice</i>, <i>the learning organization</i>, <i>reflexive practice</i>


Social work practice is increasingly subject to scrutiny: from politicians and tax payers want to see value for money and from social work recipients who want respect as well as services that are appropriate and responsive to need. These pressures, together with educational changes across Europe, place emphasis on evidence-based social work practice. This paper gives questions the foundations of evidence-based practice and makes the case for an approach that interconnects reflexive practice with the principles of the learning organization. By such an approach practitioners may engage in generating knowledge rather than simply applying less relevant knowledge generated elsewhere.


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How to Cite

Marthinsen, E. (2012). A mind for learning. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 11(2), 54-66. https://doi.org/10.1921/swssr.v11i2.437