Balancing care and control


  • Carolus van Nijnatten



<i>child welfare</i>, <i>institutional communication</i>, <i>conversation analysis</i>, <i>categorisation</i>, <i>sexual abuse</i>, <i>social evidence</i>.


The Dutch Child Protection Board is responsible for reviewing the development of children at risk and for advising on whether safeguarding intervention is necessary. In this paper, an analysis is presented of the interaction between a social worker of the Board and a man suspected of having committed incest with his stepson. It will be seen that the social worker’s strategy is to produce a comprehensive overview of the child’s welfare rather than to focus exclusively on the issue of sexual abuse.


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How to Cite

van Nijnatten, C. (2012). Balancing care and control. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 12(3), 6-24.