Using digital technologies in community mental health
<i>recovery</i>, <i>SMS</i>, <i>self-management</i>, <i>internet</i>, <i>mental health</i>Abstract
The Internet is not a ‘fad’ that will soon disappear, but is rather a new ‘environment’ in which people interact with others, engage and have experiences. The Internet is a tool with never before seen potential. Utilizing this new technology, mental health professionals can provide evidence based interventions and prevention programs to a number of mentally ill and distressed persons. The following study explores the use of ‘Buddy’ an online mood monitoring service to determine whether self-reflection can help people with mental health problems understand the relationship between the things they do in their daily lives and their mental state and then endeavour to change their behaviour for the better. Through the personal accounts of 12 service users, the use of ‘Buddy’ as a self-management tool is investigated and a number of positive and negative issues are discussed.