Knowledge production and social work


  • Tove Rasmussen



<i>epistemology</i>, <i>sociology of knowledge</i>, <i>professionalism</i>, <i>institutionalization</i>, <i>practice research</i>


Practice research can in itself be regarded as a specific form of knowledge production in social work with substantial potentials. Its possibilities as well as its challenges depend on the broader picture of knowledge production in the field. Important phenomena and trends in this broader picture are identified and discussed by using three perspectives on knowledge production: the epistemology, sociology of knowledge, and conceptualization of professions. Challenges can be identified in several of the newer trends and may be most clearly seen in the substantial changes in the dominant societal recreation of ‘professionalism’, which at the same time from a traditional point of view must be regarded as deprofessionalization. It is suggested, that practice research in this situation can play an important role in a knowledge production scaffolding a new understanding of professionalism and expertise.


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How to Cite

Rasmussen, T. (2012). Knowledge production and social work. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 15(1), 28-48.


