Do groupthink symptoms reflect a single social influence process?


  • David Dryden Henningsen Northern Illinois University
  • Mary Lynn Miller Henningsen Northern Illinois University
  • Gregory Allen Russell



Groupthink as a theory is established so that the symptoms of groupthink are considered parts of a single decision-making process. Evidence indicates that groupthink symptoms, however, do not act in a way consistent with the predictions of the theory. A test is conducted to explore the relationship among groupthink symptoms within members in decision-making groups. Findings indicate that different group members experience either internalization or compliance processes. Furthermore, minority and majority members were found to report different levels of compliance pressures during group discussion. Although the results raise questions about groupthink they are consistent with the linear discrepancy model of influence in groups.

Keywords: group decision-making; group dynamics; groupthink; social influence; groupwork; group work

Author Biographies

David Dryden Henningsen, Northern Illinois University


Mary Lynn Miller Henningsen, Northern Illinois University


Gregory Allen Russell

Senior Education Consultant


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How to Cite

Henningsen, D. D., Henningsen, M. L. M., & Russell, G. A. (2017). Do groupthink symptoms reflect a single social influence process?. Groupwork, 27(1), 28-48.


