Predicting social and personal attraction in task groups


  • David Dryden Henningsen
  • Mary Lynn Miller Henningsen
  • Paul Booth



<i>cohesiveness</i>, <i>group cohesion</i>, <i>group performance</i>, <i>personal attraction</i>, <i>social attraction</i>


Equity and market forces are examined for their influence on the formation of social and personal attraction in groups. It is hypothesized that perceptions of task and maintenance behaviors during group interactions influence individuals’ perceptions of costs and rewards in groups which, in turn, drive assessments of social and personal attraction via either equity or market forces. Results indicate that equity forces are significantly linked with perceptions of social attraction and market forces significantly predict personal attraction. Theoretical implications are discussed regarding equity theory, social exchange theory, and relational framing theory.


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How to Cite

Henningsen, D. D., Henningsen, M. L. M., & Booth, P. (2013). Predicting social and personal attraction in task groups. Groupwork, 23(1), 73-93.


