Improving simulation-based learning of a practical skill in nursing education


  • Monika Ravik Department of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway




Background: Many newly qualified nurses lack competence in practical nursing skills. Peripheral vein cannulation is particularly challenging to learn and perform. Skill learning is often developed from a reproduction and memorizing of knowledge and guidelines. Learning peripheral vein cannulation associated with successful placement require a more thorough and deeper approach to learning.

Framework: Marton and Saljö’s ways of knowing, a surface and a deep approach to learning can be used during peripheral vein cannulation learning to guide development and competence in this practical nursing skill.

Aim: The aim of this theoretical article was to provide knowledge and understanding about two approaches to skill learning, a surface and a deep, and how they can contribute to learning of peripheral vein cannulation.

Conclusion: Nursing students learning of peripheral vein cannulation influence pedagogy choice by supervisors. Contextual factors, such as supervisors, influences learning opportunities and development of PVC competence.

Key words: vein cannulation, nursing education, learning, surface approach to learning, deep approach to learning.

Author Biography

Monika Ravik, Department of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Ravik, M. (2020). Improving simulation-based learning of a practical skill in nursing education. The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 17(1), 36-50.



Received 2019-10-08
Accepted 2020-01-13
Published 2020-03-23