Mental Health Clinical Placement of Social Work Students in Greece: Learning Outcomes and Impact on Future Career in the Mental Health Field.




Social work; Clinical placement; Mental Health Field; Learning outcomes, Future career


Education in the mental health field allows the evaluation of factors that are shaped during the period of studies and thus affect students before their placement in a psychiatric setting. In particular, theoretical training, attitudes towards mentally ill people, the degree of preparedness, and the desire to pursue a future career in this field are important factors associated with mental health education. This study included 101 Greek undergraduate social work students who completed their clinical placement in the settings of the 1st Psychiatric Clinic of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) – Eginitio Hospital. By filling out the P/MHCPS scale, these students evaluated their placement experience on the first and last day of placement. Significant differences were recorded at the second measurement time point in terms of attitudes, course effectiveness, preparedness for mental health field, and negative stereotypes. The students’ theoretical background, degrees of preparedness and self-confidence, more positive attitudes, career interest in mental health, and satisfaction with the working environment are factors that enrich the social work students’ learning journey and confirm the positive impact of their clinical placement in the mental health field.

Author Biographies

Sophia Martinaki, University of West Attica

Sophia Martinaki is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Social Work, Department of Social Work at the University of West Attica.

Sofia Dedotsi, University of West Attica

Sophia Dedotsi is an Assistant Professor of Social Work Education and Anti-oppressive practices withing the Department of Social Work at the University of West Attica.

Konstantinos Kontoangelos, University of Athens

Konstantinos Kontoangelos is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry within the Medical School at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.


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How to Cite

Martinaki, S., Dedotsi, S., & Kontoangelos, K. (2024). Mental Health Clinical Placement of Social Work Students in Greece: Learning Outcomes and Impact on Future Career in the Mental Health Field. The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 22(1-2), 115-134.



Received 2024-04-02
Accepted 2024-07-25
Published 2024-12-05