Renewing the practice-knowledge interface


  • Bill Lemmer
  • Martin Arnold
  • Pam Pringle
  • Claire Barber



practice educator, mental health, work-based learning, clinical teaching


Practice is key to professional education. Student reflection and skill rehearsal are by-words of a new Practice Educator role. These are propositions emerging from an initiative to strengthen NHS and Social Care Partnerships with higher education by developing a more integrated model of teaching and learning. This paper describes a method of ‘deliberate interpersonal teaching’ to amalgamate the relationship between knowledge and practice. It forms the basis of one department’s transition to a clinical and workplace focus for teaching that underpins modernisation within one Faculty of Health and its stakeholder partners.


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How to Cite

Lemmer, B., Arnold, M., Pringle, P., & Barber, C. (2012). Renewing the practice-knowledge interface. The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 5(2), 7-21.


