Sustainable communities and social work practice learning


  • Joanna Blake



sustainable communities, education for sustainability, social justice, emergent learning, partnership working.


This paper explores the ways that social work practice learning, through community development projects, can help take forward the local sustainability agenda. The first part establishes links between three pedagogic areas: education for sustainability, student learning in the community and social work practice learning. The second section presents a case study of a small-scale, sustainability initiative at the University of Plymouth, UK. The paper negotiates an inherent tension between a broad and all encompassing conceptualisation of education for sustainability, and the specific approach to professional training prescribed for social workers and teachers. The tension mirrors the multi-leveled dimensions of the sustainability initiative under discussion. The case study considers the emergent, methodological approach to learning that was adopted. Prescribed outcomes were actively resisted and the paper argues that this approach carries merit. In closing, aspects of partnership working amongst the community development agencies and university, and future trajectories of the project are elucidated.


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How to Cite

Blake, J. (2012). Sustainable communities and social work practice learning. The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 9(2), 93-114.


