Exploring the experiences of practice teachers who are not social workers


  • Chris Laycock
  • Laura Walker
  • Laura Heath




social work education, voluntary sector, practice teachers, unqualified social workers


Professionals without a social work qualification have been involved in the practice teaching of social work students since the days of CCETSW (the former education and training body for social work in the UK). Historically this has always happened more in the voluntary sector. With the advent of the Social Work Degree in England, the 50% increase in demand for placements in a variety of settings has seen reliance on practice teachers who are not social workers.

This raises some interesting questions about how professionals who are not social workers should be trained and supported in the role of practice teacher.

We will attempt to explore these questions, drawing on responses to a questionnaire sent to a range of practice teachers in a county in northern England as well as feedback obtained from a focus group drawn from respondents to the questionnaire. The participants in the research came from a range of work backgrounds in the voluntary and statutory sectors. The experiences discussed in the research, in the main, relate to the Diploma in Social Work (the former UK qualification) as the degree only started in 2003- 2004. We will refer to research participants as Practice Teachers. The key criterion for involvement was that all participants in the study had had sole responsibility for at least one social work student.


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How to Cite

Laycock, C., Walker, L., & Heath, L. (2012). Exploring the experiences of practice teachers who are not social workers. The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 9(2), 33-56. https://doi.org/10.1921/jpts.v9i2.399


