Assessing the impact and implications for social workers of an innovative children’s services programme aimed to support workforce reform and integrated working


  • Nigel Malin
  • Jane Tunmore



<i>evaluation</i>, <i>child poverty</i>, <i>inter-professional working</i>, <i>managerialism</i>, <i>workforce reform</i>, <i>health and social care</i>


This article reports findings from an independent audit and evaluation of an innovative children's services programme (CSP) funded 2009-2011 by twelve Local Authorities under the auspices of the North-East of England's Improvement & Efficiency Partnership (NEIEP) to manage improvements and efficiencies across the children's services sector focusing upon messages for social workers. The overall purpose of the CSP was to make demonstrable progress in tackling the challenges of child poverty by delivering high quality support to the growing number of children with social care/health needs through regional improvement. The key objectives of the CSP included supporting workforce reform and integrated working; development of personalised services; family support to reduce the need for residential care; and provision of tools to aid commissioners with needs analysis. The audit identified key outputs, for example, improvements to best practice on Whole Family approaches, safeguarding and leadership training evolved through a skills framework; and included a regional model of social work supervision training along with a provision of options to increase the range and quality of foster care placements. The evaluation considered actions arising from the above findings, including demonstrated improvements to inter-disciplinary working and pooling resources to produce better outcomes for families; setting up a data-base to improve the balance between fostering, residential care and family support; and creating opportunities for social workers to explore the practical implementation of using personal budgets.


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How to Cite

Malin, N., & Tunmore, J. (2013). Assessing the impact and implications for social workers of an innovative children’s services programme aimed to support workforce reform and integrated working. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 16(3), 81-90.


