Concepts of justice and the non-traditional placement


  • Nick Pollard Sheffield Hallam University



This paper is based on a presentation given at the 10th International Conference on Practice Teaching and Field Education in Health and Social Work in April 2014. Occupational Therapy student non-traditional placements are an important element of developing autonomous practitioner skills. This paper considers the changes which have led to an increase in the use of non-traditional placements, and the significance of their basis in the third sector for a profession with origins in social justice and reform in the light of present health and social inequalities. It considers the advantages these placements bring to students and their universities, but also argues that the benefits to all stakeholders, including third sector organisations and their clients are critically reviewed.

Author Biography

Nick Pollard, Sheffield Hallam University

Senior Lecturer in Occupational Therapy,


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How to Cite

Pollard, N. (2015). Concepts of justice and the non-traditional placement. The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 13(2-3), 88 - 108.



Received 2015-08-15
Accepted 2015-08-15
Published 2015-08-17