Microteaching through the practice curriculum: Developing new practice educators



Microteaching, practice curriculum, practice educator, teaching in practice, skills development


The value of microteaching was explored in a small-scale study to help social practice educators in training to integrate their programme learning with the practicalities of providing practice teaching and supervision in the workplace. The project involved adapting and testing a bespoke model of microteaching to respond to social work practice contexts. In 2020-21, two small facilitated peer groups of up to five practice educators rehearsed targeted practice teaching activities and received observational feedback along with structured self-reflection. The events were evaluated using written surveys. Findings indicated consistently positive results concurring with many of the claims in the microteaching literature. With further validation, microteaching could be considered more widely as a worthwhile experiential learning strategy for social work partnerships’ curriculum developers to help new practice educators to integrate theory and practice, and to rehearse their practice teaching activities in a safe learning environment, helping develop their professional skills and increase their confidence in practice teaching.


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How to Cite

Woods, T. (2023). Microteaching through the practice curriculum: Developing new practice educators. The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 20(1). Retrieved from https://journals.whitingbirch.net/index.php/JPTS/article/view/1861
Received 2022-04-01
Accepted 2022-09-19
Published 2023-03-02