An academic literacies intervention to support professional identity formation delivered during the Covid-19 emergency remote learning context
academic literacies, academic socialisation, scholarship identity, professional identity formation, strategic interdisciplinary supportAbstract
The emergency remote teaching and learning context associated with the academic year 2020-21 provided an unprecedented context in which to explore if, and how an academic literacies intervention supported first-year learners. All registered students (n=30) on two initial professional education programmes offered by an Institute of Technology in the South-East of Ireland were invited to participate in the research. This instrumental case study relied on multiple data collection methods - two online mixed methods questionnaires and learner Blogs written across the two semesters in the academic year. This study concludes that an academic literacies intervention does help initiate professional identity formation, however the intervention must include moderated discussion boards and hosting in-class discussions based on prescribed reading.
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Published 2023-04-07