Does Virtual Video Endoscopy simulation training aid postgraduate endoscopy trainee learning of pathology in the era of COVID-19?- A single centre experience in a Dublin Teaching Hospital
COVID-19, endoscopy, virtual teaching, gastroenterology training, SoTLAbstract
COVID-19 has had a significant impact on post-graduate gastrointestinal endoscopy education in Ireland. The signature pedagogy of endoscopy education is the hands-on apprenticeship model however this was impeded during the restrictions imposed by the pandemic. To progress endoscopy learning at a time when exposure was reduced, we, as consultant trainers, focused on teaching pathology recognition, a known deficit in the current endoscopy curriculum. A series of five virtual endoscopy simulation sessions consisting of endoscopic videos and pictures demonstrating upper gastrointestinal pathology were taught to six endoscopy trainee specialist registrars in a single Dublin teaching hospital. Pathology quizzes were administered to trainees pre and post undertaking the sessions to measure learning. Semi-structured interviews were used to assess the utility of the sessions and a qualitative analysis of responses was undertaken. Amongst the six trainees, virtual video endoscopy simulation training led to a statistically significant increase in endoscopy trainees’ pathology recognition scores in the post-intervention quiz. All trainees found the virtual video simulation sessions to be useful and relevant to their stage of training, with demonstration of active learning after the teaching sessions. However, the personal and professional effect of the pandemic on trainees was profound, with senior trainees being disproportionally affected. Trainees also identified that the current apprenticeship model for endoscopy learning is no longer fit for purpose. Given the effect of the pandemic on trainee learning it is important that we take a systematic approach to analyse teaching tools that were used during the pandemic to ensure that they are helping trainees reach their learning goals.
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Published 2023-12-01