A Macro Level Reflection on Practice Teaching and Learning from the west of Ireland.





Practice Teaching, Placements, Systemic view


This abstract, based on a dialogue across practice and academic contexts explores the anomaly that while it is generally acknowledged that social work placements are integral to professional development and are mainly positive experiences for all concerned, practice teaching remains tangential to social work practice resulting in a chronic shortage of placements. 

A valuable model of co-production, the paper draws on systems theory to assess and analyse the ongoing precarious situation of placement places in Ireland.  

The issue is very topical and has potential to generate further discussion and future research. 

Author Biographies

Eleanor Kelly, University of Galway, Lecturer and Practice Learning Coordinator.

Eleanor Kelly is a member of the Masters in Social Work core staff team at the University of Galway. In addition to her teaching commitments, Eleanor is also responsible for all matters relating to Practice Education.

Catherine Walsh, Mayo University Hospital

Catherine Walsh is Principal Social Worker in the Medical Social Work Department.


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How to Cite

Kelly, E., & Walsh, C. (2023). A Macro Level Reflection on Practice Teaching and Learning from the west of Ireland. The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 21(1-2). https://doi.org/10.1921/jpts.v21i2.2055
Received 2022-11-01
Accepted 2023-03-21
Published 2023-12-01