How the COVID-19 pandemic both hindered and promoted professional development in social work student placements: findings from Ireland’s Child and Family Agency’s evaluation of students and practice teachers.




Practice placements, Social work students, Practice teaching, Covid 19 pandemic, relationship based practice


The onset of the pandemic in March 2020 resulted in the sudden disruption and severe impact of student social work placements in Ireland. The Child and Family Agency responded innovatively to the crisis and facilitated final year students to complete their placements remotely through the provision of ICT equipment to ensure these students graduated on time. Subsequent placement provision in the Agency has risen significantly since September 2020. To measure and assess the impact and quality of practice placements in the Agency, Student and Practice Teacher Feedback Questionnaires were disseminated to the January 2021 cohort. Student (N=99) and Practice Teacher (N = 85) feedback reported a high degree of satisfaction with both the student and practice teaching experience. Student respondents repeatedly referenced how practice teachers, despite the pandemic, provided opportunities to increase skills and confidence in social work practice. Students described being supported and guided by knowledgeable, skilled practice teachers. Practice teachers developed new skills in mentoring, supervision, case management and prioritisation of cases. They embraced the opportunity to engage in reflective practice, to build on the theoretical perspectives and latest practice developments that students bring from third level courses and to enable students to link theory to practice in a concrete and coherent way.  The primary challenges for practice teachers centred on time management-especially regarding supervision, workload balance, and working remotely during Covid-19 restrictions. For both students and practice teachers limited opportunities to engage in face to face, relationship based practice with families was particularly difficult.

Author Biography

Stella Owens, Tusla Child and Family Agency

Stella Owens is a social worker based in the Chief Social Worker's Office in Tusla - the Child and Family Agency in Ireland.


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How to Cite

Owens, S. (2023). How the COVID-19 pandemic both hindered and promoted professional development in social work student placements: findings from Ireland’s Child and Family Agency’s evaluation of students and practice teachers. The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 21(1-2).
Received 2022-11-21
Accepted 2023-03-22
Published 2023-12-16