A study on Validating learning style questionnaire LSQ by measuring students learning style in Asian context


  • Seemant Kumar Yadav GLA University ,Mathura
  • Vikas Tripathi GLA University Mathura




Learning Style Questionnaire (LSQ) is most widely used tool for assessing learning style, but there are very little empirical evidences available, addressing its psychometric properties. The present study is an attempt to infuse this disparity by using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA).The outcome of the study and its discussion is also given for managerial and academic implications.

Author Biographies

Seemant Kumar Yadav, GLA University ,Mathura

Asst.Prof. Institute of Business Management

Vikas Tripathi, GLA University Mathura

Professor and Head

IBM GLA University Mathura


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How to Cite

Yadav, S. K., & Tripathi, V. (2018). A study on Validating learning style questionnaire LSQ by measuring students learning style in Asian context. The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 15(2), 6-16. https://doi.org/10.1921/jpts.v15i2.943



Received 2016-10-01
Accepted 2018-02-23
Published 2018-08-17