How the training level has influenced clinical year medical students’ approach towards learning and practising non‑technical skills




attitudes, communication, non-technical skills, meical students, qualitative study


This study aimed to investigate the influence of non-technical skills (NTS) training on the clinical year students’ approach towards learning and practising these skills. The first objective of this study was to explore the understanding of NTS in clinical-year medical students. The second objective was to study the teachers’ perspectives on how possible insufficient NTS training has influenced students’ approach and attitudes towards learning and practising NTS. A qualitative study using the constructivist approach was conducted by interviewing 35 clinical-year medical students and 20 teachers. Data was analysed using thematic analysis and the Cochran’s-Q test. Only a few students (7 out of 35) showed NTS understanding, and a majority of the teachers (75%) also believed that most students do not have NTS knowledge. Homogeneity was found in responses indicating that NTS were not sufficiently taught as more focus was on teaching technical skills. Teachers perceived the undervaluing of NTS by students as a major impact of limited training. 88% of students showed a willingness to receive NTS training, of which 22% suggested training without assessment. Integration of NTS into the curriculum can be suggested as a possible solution to reduce the impact of training level.

Author Biographies

Salman Riaz, King's College London

Salman Riaz is a Clinical Skills Teaching Fellow at the Simulation and Interactive Learning Centre.



Roozbeh Naemi, Staffordshire University

Roozbeh is a Professor in Biomechanics at Staffordshire University and directs the Professional Doctorate in Healthcare Science programme at School of Health Science and Wellbeing.


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How to Cite

Riaz, S., & Naemi, R. . (2024). How the training level has influenced clinical year medical students’ approach towards learning and practising non‑technical skills. The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 21(3), 6-26.



Received 2022-10-15
Accepted 2023-04-20
Published 2024-02-09