About the Journal

Social Work and Social Sciences Review sets out to reinforce and expand the links between social work practice and the various social science disciplines which inform it. The Editors welcome articles and proposals from any area in the social sciences, particularly with relevance to the development of social work knowledge


Current Issue

Vol. 25 No. 1 (2024): Festschrift for Peter Huxley

Peter Huxley was the Founding Editor of this journal, and, without exaggeration,  the world’s most eminent social work researcher in the field of mental health. The range of his impact and influence is reflected in the varied papers presented here in his honour: some empirical, some historical and some theoretical, addressing a range of topics from mental health policy to the measurement of social need to the evaluation of interventions.

This issue is edited by Rob Poole, Professor of Social Psychiatry, and with Peter Huxley, Co-Director of the Centre for Mental Health and Society at Bangor University, and Catherine Robinson, Professor of Social Care Research at the University of Manchester


Published: 2024-04-16



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