Interprofessional interactions study


  • Ruth Mary Strudwick University of Suffolk
  • Jane Marie Harvey-Lloyd University of Suffolk



Abstract: This small scale study explored the interprofessional interactions that occur in practice between students and other professionals. The students completed a one week structured diary of their contact with other professionals, using these two proximity categories: Proximity 1 – within speaking distance but no interaction with the other professional or Proximity 2 – having direct interaction with the other professional. Eight students participated in the study and 31 different professionals were listed. The results varied between students from different year groups and on different courses. Each student recorded different experiences and there was a large variety in the interprofessional interactions that were recorded. The data collected will allow real experiences from practice to be used in interprofessional learning sessions and the results of this study can be used to illustrate to students which professional groups they are likely to encounter in practice.

Keywords: Interprofessional education; Health and social care education; Communication; Interactions

Author Biographies

Ruth Mary Strudwick, University of Suffolk

Associate Professor, Department of Health Sciences,

Jane Marie Harvey-Lloyd, University of Suffolk

Associate Professor, Department of Health Sciences,


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How to Cite

Strudwick, R. M., & Harvey-Lloyd, J. M. (2018). Interprofessional interactions study. The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 15(1), 81-93.



Received 2018-01-22
Accepted 2018-01-22
Published 2018-01-18