Using the generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots of Perplexity and ChatGPT as a teaching and learning tool for practice teachers and students within social work placement
AI, social work, perplexity, ChatGPT, practice teaching placement, fieldwork, students, practice teacher, practice educator, field instructor, service user, clientAbstract
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines or computer systems. As large language generated pretrained transformers, when given a prompt the chatbot system rewards the user with a ‘human-like’ response from their massive dataset of information. Their velocity, scope and capabilities become immense. This article is an illustrative analysis focusing on the rise of AI and its applications within industry, health and in particular, social work placement. The suggestion is to encourage practice teachers and students within supervision to use the chatbots ChatGPT or Perplexity in order to enhance critical thinking. To further consider the areas such as language, power, intuition, confidentiality, ethics, values and beliefs in this brave new world. Limitations of chatbot use within supervision is explored and a balanced conclusion recognising the worth of social work as a profession but not denying the speed of artificial intelligence development is recognised. From a social work placement perspective this article considers how working from a new evidence base, the application of critically analysing digitally produced knowledge, can be a relevant teaching tool within placement supervision.
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Published 2024-12-05