Touch, click and be informed: Making a series of multi-touch ebooks to support social work placement


  • Marguerita McGovern National University of Ireland, Galway



his innovative project set out to develop a series of seven ‘wraparound’ multi-touch electronic ebooks to support pre-placement training within a professional social work course. The aim and main focus concentrated on developing and presenting the wisdom of practice teachers, social work students and tutors in a multimedia content, encompassing aural and visual podcasts. This was further enhanced by including expert topic based opinion, theory and supportive slide presentations. The concept of making the ebooks was to change the delivery of the fieldwork pre-placement module, refocusing it from a didactic lecture based delivery to a more modern technology enhanced relevant method of improving the pre-placement knowledge, skills and values of social work students.

Keywords: e-learning; podcasting; social work; fieldwork practicum; practice teachers,

Author Biography

Marguerita McGovern, National University of Ireland, Galway

Practice Learning Coordinator, Touch, click and be informed:
Making a series of multi-touch ebooks
to support social work placementSchool of Political Science and Sociology


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Links to the electronic books in iTunes

Social Work Placement: New Approaches. New Thinking

Book 1: Language – Professional Identity – Beginnings & Expectations

Book 2: Assessment – Creative Supervision & Feedback

Book 3: Home Visiting Urban & Rural – The Virtual World of Training – Cultural Competence

Book 4: Reflective Practice Influenced by Emotional Intelligence

Book 5: Failing Forward

Book 6: Imaginative Groupwork

Book 7: Endings – Finishing Well



How to Cite

McGovern, M. (2018). Touch, click and be informed: Making a series of multi-touch ebooks to support social work placement. The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 15(1), 94-108.



Received 2017-12-11
Accepted 2017-12-11
Published 2018-01-18